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In 1952, Sight and Sound magazine revealed the results of its first poll for "The Best Films of All Time"; City Lights was voted 2, after Vittorio DeSica's Bicycle Thieves. In 2002, City Lights ranked 45th on the critics' list. That same year, directors were polled separately and ranked the film as 19th overall. In 1991, the Library of Congress selected City Lights for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. " In 2007, the American Film Institute's tenth anniversary edition of 100 Years. 100 Movies ranked City Lights as the 11th greatest American film of all time, an improvement over the 76th position on the original list.
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I know several teachers who are Facebook friends with their students. "Dill's not one of them instead, he interacts with students on Twitter. If someone has a question about an assignment due date, or needs clarification on a subject matter, they'll tweet at Dill. He'll respond, usually through email. "If it's a quick 'yes or no' question, like, 'Is this due tomorrow?', I'll just tweet back at them," he says. "But for longer answers, I'll switch over to email. "Dill follows his students back on Twitter, and occasionally comes across some not so great for a teacher to see tweets. But, similar to Mundahl, he said he's not out to play detective on anyone. "There have been some situations in which a student has tweeted something disparaging, usually about a coach or a teacher but I don't comment," he says. "I strongly believe this can be used positively. By allowing our teachers to connect through social media with students, we both understand the risks that come with it.
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She, like others, admitted that television played a role in piquing her interest in forensics. I watched the CSI shows, she said. I wasnt as interested in the gory stuff as I was in DNA and how science helped solve things. Sampson acknowledges that TV shows like Forensic Files, Dexter, Criminal Minds and Quincy, M. E. , all mentioned by those in attendance, create interest in forensic science. She says the shows are mostly accurate except for the time it takes to actually get things done. Occasionally, a show calls with a question, but were not active consultants. Chris Hill, a forensic mortuary technician at the center who lives in Manhattan, thought it was important to bring his son, Chris Hill Jr. , even if it meant the 16 year old high school junior would miss football practice at his home in Maryland. This was a great opportunity to see something I might want to do when I get older, Hill Jr.
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L'Amricain Uber travaille plusieurs solutions pour prvenir les symptmes de la nause bord de ses futurs robots taxis. Le PDG d'Uber a rvl mardi que les donnes de 57 millions d'utilisateurs travers le monde, dont celles de 600. 000 chauffeurs, ont t pirates fin 2016. Uber aurait vers 100. 000 dollars aux hackers afin qu'ils ne divulguent pas l'existence de cet incident. Uber a annonc dimanche un accord de principe pour vendre une participation dans son capital au japonais Softbank, une transaction qui pourrait l'aider tourner la page des scandales et donner le coup d'envoi son introduction en Bourse prvue en 2019. Uber a dvoil un partenariat avec la Nasa pour mettre au point des taxis volants que le gant du covoiturage promet conomes, et un systme de contrle du trafic arien basse altitude. Le tribunal du travail de Londres a dcid vendredi que la socit Uber devait considrer ses chauffeurs comme des employs et les rmunrer au salaire minimum. Aprs Deliveroo en septembre, Uber va offrir ds jeudi une assurance sant et dcs gratuite pour couvrir ses chauffeurs de VTC en cas d'accident pendant une course. La start up Foodora a dcroch un contrat exclusif Strasbourg avec la chane de fast food. Elle compte dployer ce partenariat dans d'autres villes franaises ds 2018.